The weekend started out with no definite plans at all--these are usually the best kind.
And the weather was glorious--high 60's on Sat., 70's on Sunday and both were very sunny. Great Indian summer.
Saturday morning was just a casual morning at home--we stayed in bed late (8am). We were up at the usual time (6am) but watched cartoons and played in bed until 8. I putzed around the house doing dishes, starting laundry, etc. while Hannah played. She plays so nicely by herself in the mornings. It just felt nice and comfortable--just our normal life. I still revel in that feeling--that Hannah and I have this normal life together.
We finally got going around noon.
Started our day purchasing tickets for Disney Live that is coming to town in Nov. Hannah thought the show was right away. No matter what suggestion I brought up for the rest of the day, she said "But, we have to see the show first". It took a while but she finally gave into the knowledge that the show was many days away.
Had lunch together at Panera and she was nearly a model for good restaurant behavior--that doesn't always happen so I was a happy Mama.
Our next stop was Oxbow Zoo--a small local zoo that Hannah really enjoys. She got to feed the goats and deer and pet the cows and horses so she was in heaven. We also ran into her Pre-K teacher from last year and spent some time with her and her daughter. We ended up spending almost 4 hours there. Just as we were walking past the bird cages to leave, they started feeding the eagles and owls. The owls eat mice and the eagles eat pocket gophers. They really tore at the poor little dead animals. I thought it was gross but it became the highlight of the day for Hannah. She can't wait to tell her friends.
Next stop--Lion King movie in 3D. Hannah loves the show so I knew it would be a big hit. She kept the glasses on all the way until the last 15 minutes and then all of a sudden she wanted to take the off. It was pretty cool but I decided that 3D was not cool enough to pay the extra money for.
After getting home, we were going to play baseball for a bit and just as we went outside, some neighborhood kids and their mom were walking by on their way to the park. Baseball did not hold the same excitement for Hannah so we tagged along to the park. Kids played until dark and had a blast.
After that I had one happy and sleepy kid--bedtime was easy.
Sunday was another great day.
Donut Sunday at church so that always starts it out right.
Did a quick and light lunch today--gave Hannah a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a banana, and some chips. When she got done she said "That was a very yummy lunch Mama-thank you". Guess she has simple tastes.
I got my car washed and the garage cleaned out--both were big jobs, especially the garage. Hannah alternated playing, riding her bike, and watching movies while I worked on the garage. At one point she said, "Why do yo always have to be busy?"
I have so many more jobs on my to-do list but it felt great to have these two done.
Just as I was getting done with the garage, Hannah came with the ball and bat to play baseball so we did that. It started out with me pitching and her hitting and then we switched roles. Hannah said "I need to practice so I get better". She did great in my opinion. I am not athletic at all and never have been. I did hit more balls than Hannah but that is only because her pitching is better than mine. I was quite proud of her--she was pretty focused on practicing and kept at it for quite a while. Everytime I would hit a ball she would squeel with delight and yell "Good one Mom" and if I missed she would say "That's okay--it's just practice".
It is nice to hear them copy the nice things you say.
Had swimming lessons tonight. She almost fell asleep on the way there which is not a good thing. When she gets her second wind but is still tired she can get so silly and hard to calm down. At the end of class her teacher said, "Boy--she was full of energy tonight, but that's okay--she was having fun." Just what I expected. Thank heavens for an understanding teacher.
Our conversation on the way home from swimming:
Hannah--Oh no Mom, we forgot to practice my letters.
Me--You are right and Ms. Drinkall said you need to practice your letters every day.
Hannah--but you forgot.
Me--with a little laugh--Oh, I forgot huh. I thought you were supposed to tell me.
Hannah--Oh, oopsie daisy. Sory Mama
Me--That's okay--how about if we remember together from now on. Deal?
Hannah--Deal. That is a great plan Mama.
Hannah has never been too excited to be in the learning mode with me as teacher but something changed this week. She has been quite agreeable and willing to do "school work" this week. She's been excited to work on her letters and it's been so fun doing that with her. She also had two little books sent home with her to read. I thought I would have to pursuade her to read them to me but she saw them tonight she was very excited to read them to Mom. She still reads by saying what is going on in the pictures but she did an awesome job.
She is a great kid and we had such a good time together.