Friday, July 11, 2008

Vacation's all I ever wanted...Vacation..have to get away

Rmember that song by the Go-Go's?
Tomorrow I leave for my vacation--to Virginia Beach!!!
My sister-in-law, my niece, and I are going to visit my little brother and his fiancee who lives only a couple blocks from the beach!!!!
Taking a little break is just what I need--work has been busy and my counterpart at work has been out on surgical leave so I have even more to do. The adoption world hasn't been doing much but the constant waiting/wanting kind of wears on you so this week away from everything will be great.
I feel happier already and I know I will come back totally refreshed--and I will be that much closer to getting "the call". In a fit of optimism, I did make sure that my agency had my cell number "just in case".
I am also taking a vacation from blogs, email, etc during this next week but my friend Lisa is going to update me if anything really exciting happens... so I will see all you guys later--have a great week. If something great happens for you, I am very excited and will catch up when I get back.


The Dusty Attic said...

Good for you!!! Have fun on your vacation! ps... I love that song too.

Kelly and Sne said...

Have a great time!

Michelle and Jeff said...

Have a wonderful, refreshing trip!!

Alysa said...

Okay, I think I'm jealous of your vacation by the beach! Have a wonderful and relaxing time!

lisa said...

Hope you had a great vacation....sorry...... absolutely nothing happened, as far as I know...on the adoption front!!!


Karen said...

Enjoy your time off--you deserve some R&R. And let's hope your cell phone rings with good news soon.

Angela said...

I hope you had a wonderful vacation. I fantacize about spending a whole week just sitting on the beach. It sounds like the best thing ever. I think it is so important to take breaks from this process because it is so intense.

Looking forward to reading about "the call" here!

Aaron and Julie said...

So glad you are getting some time away. Hope you had a great vacation!!

Sheila said...

Hi - I am also adopting from Kaz and came upon your blog. My dossier is now at the MOFA and I am trying to get an idea of my timeframe. So, I have to ask - is it unusual that your dossier would still be at the MOE since November? Have you been assigned a region yet? I had no idea that things could take that long. I hope that you adoption starts to love along and you get you LOI soon!