Monday, June 1, 2009

June Already!!??!!

I really can't believe it's June already.

Adoption update:
I have no great updates on the adoption front. My agency had one opportunity with switching regions that I looked into but they felt that I could be delaying my process so that made it easy to say No.
Through the internet, I have been able to connect with some parents that have already adopted from my region or are in process also which has really been nice. It is fun to see the kids and hear about where they stayed, where they shopped, etc. I am getting attached to the city.

In other news:
I have a couple friends that are adopting from Krygystan and they have been waiting for MONTHS to bring home the children they have already met because of some hold up in the government there. They recently had a chance to speak on the their behalf and on the behalf of their children and all waiting families to the Kryg officials in Washington last Friday--Please join me in praying that their efforts were successful and they can fianlly start processing adoptions in that country again. They really need something good to happen so their children can come home.

Something good that is going on:
A few months ago I met another adoptive mom through a friend of mine and it has really been a great connection for me. She found no local support through her own adoption so she decided to start a support group. When I hooked up with them, the group included three moms that had completed adoptions and one other waiting mom. Since me, four more waiting women have joined us. We get together once a month and any other time that some one needs the extra suppoort. It is just great to meet with people that really know what you are going through and they are such amazing women. I am lucky.

Family news:
I had a busy weekend with a neice and a nephew graduating from high school--260 miles apart so it was a lot of driving but my mom, my brother and his family, and I made the trek and got to see both kids--we made my nephew's big party and my neice's ceremony and brunch. My brother has two young kids and we all went together in his van--All I can say is thank goodness for those portable DVD players!


Harmondk2 said...

Your site really looks great.. it sounds as if you are keeping busing...The stuffed world ball I picked up at a local store... - Key an eye open..The world may be landing in your hands soon :)

Baby Kaz Moore said...

Hi, congratulations on the support group. It's a life saver to be able to talk to moms who can relate. I hope you hear news soon -- I'm looking forward to cheering you along! All the best, Susan

Jeff Morris said...

That's tough (but not shocking) to hear about Krygstan. I know of several families who flocked there because agencies were making promises that were too good to be true. As they say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

I hope Krygstan works out it's problems and people are able to move forward.

Glad to see you're doing well and staying busy. That's SOOO important.

Take care Mary!

Three Northern Stars said...

Happy to hear you found a support group in your area. What a blessing!

Kim said...

Mary, that is great news about the support group. We have one here and I LOVE it. This waiting game is no fun. I hope June is your month!

Karen said...

A support group would be great—too bad you live so far or else I'd join you. I'd love to start up a support group for older moms who adopt older kids, but I'm too old to start one up. Ha.

I will pray for your friends that they're able to bring their children home and for your process to hurry up. I want to see you use your Russian soon. Hang in there.

qmiller said...

Mary: What a great resource to have found the other waiting mom's--an understanding ear, and maybe someday a playdate, is invaluable. Glad to hear that you're doing well! Hang in there!!

Lou Ann said...

Hi Mary,

Just think how prepared you will be when you finally bring your child home! And then to have a group of women you can call on when something come up (which of course it will.) What a blessing. I will say a prayer that you will have lots of toys under your tree for Christmas!

Lou Ann & Lexie too

PS - As always thanks for checking up on us. It is nice to know someone is watching my little Kazakh Princess grow too!

Angela said...

Hey, Mary.

Good to hear from you! So cool that you have a support group to help you get through the treacherous terrain of IA.

I am thinking good thoughts for you!
